This small town life…

It’s been a busy week in this house of Bo. You know, with all of the no-sleeping going on we’ve had rediculous amounts of time to do stuff. Though I do feel a little like a traitor writing this right now as little Bo sleeps soundly all tucked up in my bed after going to bed without a fuss. That’s right… no fuss. And now she is snoring away happily.
The week started with us up in the city, where we bought a car. That’s right folks we now have wheels. Wheels = freedom, which makes for one happy mama over here.

I realised after I purchased said car (let’s not go into how much I hate car shopping with no money and a baby in tow) that I actually haven’t owned my own transportation device since I was 20 years old. And then I was driving illegally cos I had lost my license. It feels good to be grown up, responsible and have a set of wheels of my own. Oh, how times have changed. Also, we have discovered that Bo is a master at car-sleeping. The 2 hour drive between our place and the city is her fave time to catch about a thousand Z’s that she doesn’t seem to want when we are not in the car. So, I guess this means if I were to drive to Perth every day to have lunch with one of my many favourite people who live there. Bo would have her text book prescribed naps every day. Now… if only we could make petrol cheaper… then it wouldn’t be such a foolish plan.

Bo and I went on our first trip to the pools together. Safe to say this water baby is still a water baby. Trips to see friends. Trips to little hole in the wall sushi huts to share a midday treat. Trips to the library to sing songs and trips to the thrift store (ummm… since when did op shops in Australia get expensive? more on this another time)… Did I mention we got a car and can now GO ON TRIPS places. Everything feels good when we aren’t stuck.

OUr beautiful Bo just keeps getting more and more beautiful. She’s such a character. She loves to chat and clap and be weird and wacky. I find myself saying things that I’ve never said before (No love, we don’t eat rocks in this house) and doing things I never thought that I would do. Oooh if old [young] me could see me right now, what would she think? Though it’s Friday night so old [young] me would be out doing something terribly risky and fun and probably illegal. New [old] me is just excited about a hot cup of tea and an early night tucked up in bed… How times have changed.. and how I’m happy they have.



And the biggest news of all is not only did Ni get his visa. But we have booked his ticket and he is definitely without a doubt coming. Four more weeks. Four more weeks of just Bo and I and then we will be all back together. The way things are meant to be. 28 days and counting… bring on the end of November!

Have a beautiful weekend inked in colour my friends. I hope you all find exactly whatever it is that you’re looking for.


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  • November 3, 2012 - 8:22 am

    Rachel - Great news about the visa! Best of luck for your new life together in Australia 🙂ReplyCancel

  • November 3, 2012 - 8:38 am

    Michelle Heggie - Sounds like you’ve had an amazing week Sash! I’m so happy that you and Bo will soon be reunited with Ni 🙂 As for car sleeps – we do long drives often (our nearest major centre is 2 hours away) and Orla absolutely loves sleeping in the car. In makes for a quiet journey and a happy bub at the other end.ReplyCancel

  • November 4, 2012 - 7:58 am

    Tamsin Michelle - So happy you’re loving being back! Enjoy! Bo is gorgeous as ever! xReplyCancel

  • November 5, 2012 - 7:28 am

    Angela - 4weeks to go! So exciting! I can’t imagine how difficult it must be with your man. XxReplyCancel

  • November 20, 2012 - 6:48 pm

    Karen - Wow – a very heart gripping and personal blog you have here. It is a joy to have a read and a peak. Bo is absolutely beautiful.ReplyCancel

    • November 24, 2012 - 9:45 am

      Sash - Thanks Karen!ReplyCancel

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