This holiday life

There are so many words, so many stories, so many things to say from the past week. But in the house of crazy there isn’t much time or much quiet for reflection. Far too much fun is being had every day. We are packed to the brim at the house with so many visitors and babies and toddlers and gorgeous families.

Ni and I have seen each other. And decisions have been made, as difficult as that has been. I will write about it, most likely, another time.

It has been an enormous week for Bo, feeling emotions to the extreme. Epic meltdowns, unbelievable highs and so much fun. There has been rolling in mud and grass and river and sand… just the way life at one should be. Dirty and fun and stained and full of laughter.

There is always time for more words.

For now, there are so many pictures.

PIN IT PIN IT PIN IT PIN IT PIN IT PIN IT PIN IT PIN IT PIN IT PIN ITfeat. Cassie & Archie and the beautiful baby bonnets of our gorgeous sponsor UB2… love!

It’s our last weekend here. With lots of crazy catch ups planned with a ridiculous amount of babies and their gorgeous mamas… I’m going to drown you in photos of cute babies over the coming weeks… you just wait for it. Last time (for now) meetings with new friends and a few little adventures to keep us laughing. As the weekend ends we will head back to Brisbane for a night in the suburbs before we fly to Melbourne on Monday morning for a whole new adventure.

What do you have planned for this weekend? Whatever it is you are planning, I hope it brings you much joy, and many moments of glorious giggles and long stretches of calm.


Don’t forget our DiaNoche designs give-away on now. You have two more days to get in on some of that action! Gotta be in it to win it! xx

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  • March 15, 2013 - 4:09 am

    Heather - Simply beautiful 🙂ReplyCancel

  • March 15, 2013 - 6:20 am

    Julie - Love the images. Glad you enjoyed our time here. Hope Melbourne is as much fun for you.ReplyCancel

  • March 15, 2013 - 8:46 am

    Lila Wolff - You look so happy, hope the rest of your trip is joyful.ReplyCancel

  • March 15, 2013 - 1:15 pm

    Junalin @ Doula Training - I love it when I see kids playing around and getting stained and playing with dirt.
    It’s just so cute for me. Anyway, love your photos especially the crying little cutie.


  • March 18, 2013 - 8:59 am

    Jess - How beautiful is Noosa? I grew up there, and moved away after High School. I think I appreciate it so much more as an adult getting to show it off to my little girls.xxReplyCancel

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