Tag Archives: baby sleep habits

How we (mostly) conquered sleeplessness…

Sleep… it’s right up there with water as being essential for survival. Sleep deprivation is the absoluteView full post »

Obsessed with sleep.

Sleep deprivation. There is a reason it is used as a form of torture. If my body was a gas tank and sleep was thatView full post »

Why we wear our baby.

Ever since Bo was a teeny tiny baby, we have worn her. Wrapped tightly up against my body, newborn Bo spent most ofView full post »

And breathe, 1… 2… 3.

When I was pregnant we tried to imagine what life would be like with a newborn, and what life would be like later downView full post »

Little feet. Gigantic Shoes.

I have a habit of setting unreasonable goals for myself and becoming distressed disappointed when I fail to live up toView full post »

The long days of the (slightly maniacal) mother of a catnapper

We have a serial cat-napper on our hands, and it might be driving me insane. Up until we moved to Indonesia Bo was aView full post »