four months young


Our Bo at 18 hours old, before she even had a name of her own.

I can’t believe my baby is four months old. It seems like just yesterday she was this tiny little newborn. Although she bares a (very slight) resembelance to the beautiful little newborn she was, she has changed. She is still the same placid, calm little person she has always been, her intense eyes watching the world before interacting with it. She has the same fluffy hair that she did at birth, and the same pink pursed lips and soft, sweet skin but she’s much chubbier these days.

We never imagined we could love her more than we did the first time we held her. But we do. How can we not? Every day Bo suprises us. And every day we love her more. She is rolling with real skill these days, though granted it’s still primarily to the right and only from back to front… She’s desperately trying to sit, doing baby crunches constantly and balancing on her own for a while. She loves to jump and gets quite cross if you don’t help her stand up when she wants to. She’s not much of a sleeper, though that’s nothing new. She’s a big singer these days, starting the day talking… in fact she begins her morning song about ten minutes before she even opens her eyes. She strokes my face with her chubby fingers or picks up Howie and ever-so-demurely whacks me in the face with him until I open my eyes.She makes me laugh. Even in moments of total frustration, absolute exhaustion and incredible defeat (like that time, at the airport) – Bo is quick with a grin in my direction, she’s quick with a goofy sound and a loving stare. She’s OUR girl, she’s her OWN girl… she’s a girl of the world. And I’m unbelievably proud of her.

Bo gives me love, hope and absolute delight. She gives me tears and fears and a true humble appreciation for the human life. We are blessed, and Bo reminds us every day just how blessed we truly are.


Four months old, and ready for trouble.
Photo by Kate Heaslip Photography

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